I believe we can be anyone

To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best to make you like everybody else is to fight the hardest battle you can fight--but never stop fighting! E.E. Cummings

Friday, December 09, 2011

Holiday Altar 2011

"Tis the season", as they say.  I enjoy the holiday season and it gives me another reason to decorate with beauty around my home.  Hope you enjoy and get some ideas as well!

This is in the entranceway of our apartment.

Still in the entranceway.  I have so many beautiful Christmas cards that I have saved over the years and decided to frame some for the month of December!  A great way to enjoy them all over again.

On the bottom right is a German Advent calendar on display.  I always got these as a child.  There are 24 "doors" to open on these calendars with a little surprise behind each door.  Some have pictures and some have chocolates.  I just thought it was beautiful.

Another Advent calendar on the wall above the Holiday altar.

In the living room.

On the chair below, more Christmas items including a German Advent wreath.  On each Sunday before Christmas, one candle is lit until the week before Christmas when all four are finally lit up.  Best to get dripless candles, which these are.

Happy Holidays and keep tuned for more!