I believe we can be anyone

To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best to make you like everybody else is to fight the hardest battle you can fight--but never stop fighting! E.E. Cummings

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer Goddess Altar

I enjoy the changing of the seasons.  And, in order to celebrate, I have gotten into the groove of creating a "Change of the Seasons" altar (including a Christmas altar for December).  Here are some photos of my Summer 2011 altar.

You can find beautiful things in surprising places like used stores or vintage shops.  But you may have things lying around already.  It's about getting the creative juices flowing and trying things out to see how it can be put together. 

You may need to play with the altar, putting things in different spots to see how it will look.  Go with the flow and trust your instincts.  Creating beauty takes practice but it's possible.

This is one of the first things you see when you walk into our apartment.  The cloth underneath is a silk scarf I use as an altar cloth which is a perfect size for the bookshelf.


This lovely swinging fairy card I picked up on a trip to Drumheller in a store that is closing out.  I framed it and now it's on my altar.  On the left, shells in a crystal bowl, some pieces I picked up in nature in a vase and a white filigree candleholder I picked up in a used store.


On the right, a wooden box with more shells.  A round sunflower candle and a "Laugh Out Loud" doll made out of a tiny ceramic pot I picked up "premade" by someone lovely.

Creating an altar doesn't have to be difficult.  Women tend to naturally do this by displaying their crystal, ornaments, etc. around the house. 

You can create all types of altars.  I have many different ones around the home.  Have fun and enjoy!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Eating for Life

"And the fruits will outdo what the flowers have promised."

Francois De Malherbe